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Therapeutic nutrition


You are what you eat.. This is what the teachings of traditional Indian medicine say about the human relationship with the food he eats. Everything that the digestive system receives affects the person’s health condition, as well as his psychological and mood. Therefore, therapeutic nutrition appeared as a method based on providing a set of diets according to the person’s condition under the supervision of specialists, whether through foods and diets to provide proper food for the body in the required quantities, or through nutritional supplements in case the body fails to absorb food for any reason, with the aim of Compensating the deficiency, if any, in any of the basic or non-essential elements, adjusting body weight, and improving the health condition of the patient, whether he is a child, an adult, or the elderly.
Therapeutic nutrition is not only associated with weight loss. it is also used for chronic diseases that require dietary changes; such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, digestive disorders, and others.
The importance of following up with a nutritionist.
To achieve the desired goal of treating the patient through his nutrition, It is necessary to study and understand the relationship between foods and the health status of the patient. Here comes the role of the specialist who can analyze this relationship and understand the interaction of the body with the food that enters it, the way it expels waste and its response to the energy derived from food.
A dietitian is also the one who can prescribe the appropriate diet for each case, taking into account minimizing possible side effects. And taking into account drug interactions if the person suffers from a chronic disease.
The importance of the role of the nutritionist is also highlighted in the continuous follow-up and modification of the diet according to the progress and change that occurs for each person after following the appropriate diet for him.